E6B Student Pilot Flight Computer with Instructional Book

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APR’s STUDENT PILOT WIND TRIANGLE & TIME/SPEED/ DISTANCE NAVIGATION COMPUTER calculates all necessary flight planning and en route navigation requirements. It is the only student pilot computer constructed entirely of plastic; competitors’ computers are paper, composite, or fiberboard.
The E6-B8’s double-sided slide provides a low speed slide that will solve for windspeeds from 40 to 270 knots or miles and instructions to solve groundspeed, wind correction angle, and headings. The Flight Planning Wind Triangle Information side shows formulae for True Course to Compass Headings as well as illustrated examples of east/west magnetic variation. Also displayed are definitions relevant to wind triangle problems and diagrams of true heading and true course solutions. A headwind and crosswind component grid depicts the relative wind angle for accurate and easy interpretation. The sides of the slide include rulers with nautical and statute scales for Sectional and WAC charts. The Time/Speed/Distance side of the computer has contrasting black and white scales that allow for more accurate reading. Precision graphics display all necessary computations with instructions for fuel consumption, density altitude factors, slide rule mathematics, and off-course drift corrections. Also printed on the face of the computer are conversions for True Airspeed and Altitude, Mach number, kilometers, gallons to liters, nautical to statute miles, and a Temperature Conversion Scale. The wind triangle side of the computer provides write-in boxes for conversions from True Course to Compass Heading.
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